I been longing to put this on the website.The romance between Danny and Sam.There like so cute together.
This is from episode 11."Fanning the Flames"YEs Danny did got on a spell to love Sam by Ember.But before
the spell was on there was so much.I mean they so like each other.Sam I don't think she will ever amit it but Danny either.
On episode number 24 and 25 Most is that Sam is gething a litlte competition by Valerie Gray.
Here Episode 32 on the second season.Danny and Valerie Share a moment of romance.But it is just momentary.I
mean that is Sam's only valid competition.(not including Paulina)(Loser) (Loser,Loser!!)
Never Mind enjoy the pics.
Absolutely Sam does not fall behind don't she.Like the romance between She and Gregor who end up as the enemy.
I mean I could really vomit in here.How gross.
But know this is cute- ness
Teen Love.Why not me?
People what are you looking at is the greatest thing in
my whole career that I have in Cartoons couples.This is it the real deal. This kiss was meant to be a kiss. When I say
the scene in Youtube I could not belive it.It was as my heart was melting or dancing the only thing I know is that it
did something.Anyway I double check it was real the real deal.And it was. on www.wikipedia.org they will show every detail about it.Just click english and on the search write Danny Phantom.Look for the episode Phantom
Planet.Thust me , this is the greatest I everseen.I just found out today(April 21 ,2007) You see Danny Phantom shows
up on a channel only around 1:00 P.M. I can't see it. Just enjoy because that kiss was the kiss that at once a point we all
dream of.Only I heard that episode is the season finally I hope not the end of Danny Phantom because they will have some problems
with the fans.
Save Danny Phantom!!